Monday 22 February 2010

Multipurpose Seaweed and Chamomile Seedling and Plant Tea

Ok, so I have been researching into some natural, organic fertilisers to help my seedlings along and came across Seaweed, which I already happen to have in my cupboard. I normally use it in powdered form for making body masks and bath salts :0)

Anyway, Seaweed has many benefits for seedlings and established plants, containing growth hormones that stimulate plant and root growth, it helps boost foliage, colour and plant vigour. I couldn't find any fixed NPK values, but for Liquid Seaweed Extract it is said to be 4-2-3, so contains all the basic plant nutrients and also contains all of the trace elements. It has also been found to improve the soil structure making it easier to retain moisture, improve plant hardiness and resistance to frost, extreme heat, drought, insects (such as spider mites, aphids) and disease (scab, mildew and fungi).  I am particularly pleased that Seaweed  helps to reduce the risk of Damping Off, a fungal soil disease which can commonly affects and and kills off seedlings.  Which leads me on to Chamomile, another popular "tea" which also helps to prevent damping off.

Here is how I made it
  • 2 handfuls of dried chamomile
  • 2 heaped tablespoons of seaweed powder
  • 2 litres of boiled water

Simply pour the boiled water over the chamomile tea and seaweed powder, give a good stir and leave to infuse and cool overnight.  Next morning, strain with a sieve and decant into a bottle.  I have stored this in the fridge, where I guess it will last about one week, but I pull it out of the fridge an hour or so before feedling my seedlings their tea.

Lastly, I havn't tried this yet, but I also read that ground Cinnamon sprinkled onto the soil will also help to prevent damping off. Pin It


  1. It must be fun to try out health foods to feed the plants as supplements. ~ bangchik

  2. Indeed! I am a Natural Therapist so this is the norm for me and happy that most things I have in stock already! x


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